Saturday, August 31, 2019
Computer education Essay
Computer education is two sides of a coin, there are several advantages and disadvantages which are listed below: Advantages: 1. Information is available at the click of a button, the internet is very useful and gives a huge support to the teacher to enhance her curriculum 2. The students themselves can learn a lot about the topics taught in class through the internet 3. Children find the lessons interesting since teachers have access to a vast pool of information. 4. Children can submit homework etc via computer, thus saving of time 5. Saves a lot of stationery, paper wastage is minimal since students can submit their projects via computer. 6. Also, today everywhere a computer is used children become computer savvy and better prepared to face the world. Disadvantages: 1. Computer tends to make the children lazy, reason being that a computer is a one stop shop. Everything is available at a click of a button, they do not have to strive to collect information. 2. Children lose their power the think since just by putting in one word on the search engine a whole treasure of information opens up, everything is available without trying very hard, children lose their imagination power and ingenuity. 3. Children do not have to learn spellings, calculation, tables they become totally dependant on computers and their skills for memorising, application, quick thinking are not developed. 4. A computer is a very cold way of teaching, earlier live examples and objects were used which were far more exciting, we could touch, smell objects like earlier if a teacher wanted to teach about an orange a live orange was brought and shown, today everything is shown via power point presentations on screen which does not have the same effect on children, since a live thing is so much more exciting. 5. Children lose touch with the real world and live in a virtual world which is not good. 6. Children become loners, lose friends, since all the time they are stuck to the computers 7. They do not sleep on time since chatting, emailing,
Friday, August 30, 2019
Business Law Scenario Commercial Property
To develop what you believe is a terrific idea for a video game, you lease 50,000 square feet in an office building from Commercial Property, LLC, under a written five-year lease. Your goal is to put the game on the market within two years. Several months into the term, a competitor unexpectedly releases a new game title featuring play that would make your game appear to be a poorly crafted imitation. Can you assign the lease to another party? Explain. You would need the landlord here to get approval to an assignment of the lease. Any task would require a contract since the current lease is between you the tenant and the landlord. All leases hold some type of clause that requires the landlord to consent to a project or sub lease. In most situations the landlord would permit the obligation of your lease assuming that he or she has proper credit history. But in some cases it depends on the limited liability company and if it allows it. What your competitor does has no affect on your lease. It would be nice to help recover some money that they have invested in the lease and to recover some of the loss, if it is aloud, hopefully the commercial property limited liability company allows it, because that would be really nice to recover some cost and not be completely in the whole. You would have to hope that a commercial property limited liability company would work with you, but in some cases a lease is a lease no questions asked and if they decide no then that is all you can do and you will have to take a loss. But I think if you are honest you will be okay and they will be fair.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Dbq 10 Reconstruction: Us History Essay
There were many plus sides to the Civil War. Those plus sides were the abolishment of slavery, secession was refuted, and there was supremacy of national government. Yet, there was one difficulty which was that the Union had the challenge of figuring out what to do with free slaves. In 1867, Congress took control of Reconstruction to establish and protect citizenship rights. Congress had succeeded in many ways like having the Southern states ratify the Fourteenth Amendment to rid the military forces. But, by 1877 the Reconstruction had ended, all the work done failed, and everything reversed. Congress’ Reconstruction efforts to have equal rights for freedmen failed because the Ku Klux Klan intervened in wrong ways, freedmen were convinced to stop their actions, and editorial advocating was used as propaganda against freedmen. The Ku Klux Klan (or KKK) was, and still is in some areas, a secret organization that used terrorist tactics in an attempt to restore white supremacy in Southern states. In document two, General Thomas discusses the KKK. The purpose of the KKK was to get rid of any African Americans so the whites could hold power. They even killed those who supported the African Americans, meaning the killed whites also. They would do anything in their power to hold the power they had. They had undermined Congress’ efforts for equal rights to all by doing exactly what they did. They would go around threatening people, burned houses down, burned crosses in lawns, and of course killed any Africans. That’s not what Congress wanted. They wanted everyone to have equal treatment. The African Americans did have much to be able to stop being invaded. If they did, they would have been killed anyway. In document four, Atlanta News uses editorial advocating as propaganda. First off, editorial advocating is when the editorial representative of a newspaper or social media comes to an event in favor of a cause, or idea, and uses their position on it to further that cause. In the document the speaker states his view on the African Americans in the South. He wants the Northerners to go to the South and organize a way to rid the African’s of their rights. Many Northerners tried to convince freedmen to stop voting. Also, they tried to stop them from taking part in politics. Dr. W. E. B. DuBois was an African American Historian and wrote a book about this. Document six is a excerpt of that book. The Northerners told the Southerners if they wanted a job they needed to keep their noses out of politics and if they wanted to be apart of politics well they better not have expected a job. Basically, shut up and stay quiet. Either way, they couldn’t win. The African American didn’t have an easy life once Reconstruction ended. Everything Congress worked for reversed and the Northerners thought they had more power. Reconstruction failed for many reasons meanwhile it was supposed to be a rebuilding after the Civil War. Like many things that go on, everything doesn’t always go as planned.
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Science Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Science - Essay Example Simon (2007) calls fossil energy a â€Å"wicked problem†, in the sense that it is characterized by a high level of information uncertainty, exists in a contestable policy environment where multiple actors compete with each other, and it is determinative of institutional relationships and complex choices. Many scientists have argued that the technology to develop alternative fuels have been in existence since the 1960s and 70s, when America sent the first man to the moon, but that a complex web of political and economic interests have stifled efforts to develop alternative energy sources. Today, it is generally agreed that at the rate the world consumes its oil reserves, eventually these would dry up like the once mighty oil fields of Texas, of which only a fraction are still in production. Rumours of aging oil fields and rising levels of water, as well as runaway prices in petroleum products, seem to indicate that Saudi reserves may be reaching exhaustion point (Anwar, 2010). The phrase â€Å"alternative energy†connotes more than just energy sources other than those traditionally resort to. It also implies that the sources of energy â€Å"are more efficient than conventional non-renewable forms†(Southampton City Council, 2009), and that they â€Å"do not use up natural resources or harm the environment†(WordNet, 2010). The attributes of sustainability and the absence of undesired consequences are implicitly included when one refers to alternative fuels or energy (Alternative Energy Institute [AEI], 2010). The very term itself appears to imply that these are only secondary, back-up, or stand-by sources, something resorted to in the meanwhile, much in the nature of emergency lights in office buildings when the power goes off. In a published account of a congressional hearing on fuels, one legislator was described as having said that the term â€Å"alternative fuels†implies that
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Heian Japan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Heian Japan - Essay Example led in a number of contemporaneous literatures such as The Pillow Book of Sei Shonagon by Sei Shonagon, Anthology of Japanese Literature: from the earliest era to the mid-nineteenth century by Donald Keene, The Tale of Genji and The Diary of Lady Murasaki, both composed by Murasaki Shikibu. The Tale of Genji is regarded as one of the first novels in Japan. The works of Shikibu and Shonagon highlight the Japanese court cultures with values and concepts. The Tale of Genji is the greatest classic of Japanese literature which reflects the significance of this culture especially among the women’s communities during the heian period. By well revealing the world of imperial court of Heian Japan these literatures actually portray the fascinating culture and society of that era. Murasaki Shikibu along with Sei Shonagon is an evidence of women education in Heian Japan. The capital city of Heian comprised chiefly of the royal homes of aristocratic people enjoying power. From this very city of wise dimensions, the emperors and their corresponding ministers supervised the entire country. Buddhist temples remained imperative institution throughout the Heian era. They enjoyed economic power to a considerable extent by political interference and many landed estate’s control. Relatives of the emperor or noble families were chiefly select ed as the leaders of the temples. Elite women though not accompanying official designations of emperors or ministers had access to political affairs and property ownership. They were even entitled to pass on their properties to their heirs. At the Heian court, the Japanese started adopting a culture which remained unaffected by Chinese culture (â€Å"Heian period†). In Tale of Genji the character of the handsome prince reflects the existence of love and romance in the Heian period (Bowring). This classic novel throws light on love, sex and politics prevailing in the society in that era (Bowring). The relationship of love between the member of
Monday, August 26, 2019
Maldistribution of physicians Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Maldistribution of physicians - Essay Example Mal-distribution is defined as an excess or a scarcity of any given physicians needed in safeguarding of health status of any given people at a best possible level (Shi and Singh 85). The paper seeks to define the problem related to mal-distribution and imbalance of specialty in United States concerning physicians and then provide possible solutions to the problem. Mal-distribution of physicians has been a problem. The United States is not spared of this problem. Some parts of the United States have inadequate access to health care (Rosenblatt and Hart 348). The shortage of physicians in the rural setup has been a nagging problem with the country medical care system. It is estimated that close to 20% of the United States population live in rural areas. However, the number of physicians that are in these areas is alarming. As noted, only 9% of the country physicians practice in the rural communities (Rosenblatt and Hart 348). There has been increased supply of physicians. However, rural areas still are far below the current urban supply of physicians. There are various factors likely to have an influence on physicians supply. One of such factors is specialty mix. Specialty is seen as having an influence on physician location choice for various specialty groups (Rosenblatt and Hart 348). In United States, family physicians are seen as distributing themselves based on population. However, other specialties are seen to stay likely in areas with more progress (Rosenblatt and Hart 348). There are various things that can be done to avoid the problems in the health sector. The first crucial thing is to fix the medical education system (Rosenblatt and Hart 350). The change will help in ensuring that there are more physicians in rural areas. The system should be ensured it selects, trains, and deploys more majorities of health workers that choose to work
Slavery in the United States Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Slavery in the United States - Essay Example Parish, Ulrich B. Phillips, Gavin Wright, Fogel and Engerman, have concluded their theses as proponents or challengers of slavery as an institution, not on moral grounds, but mainly on principles of economy. The discussion, however, whether slavery was economically profitable, has not concluded in agreement. Historians have argued over the relative profitability of slavery and the economic factors which must be analysed in order to prove that profitability. It is generally agreed that cotton production propelled the economic growth of the southern United States, which simultaneously spurred the growth of capitalism within the United States.1 But the relative degree of profit the slaveholders themselves gained through the process is questioned. Moreover, the severity of slavery itself, within cotton plantations during the 1700s and 1800s, is an issue where historians have equally not been harmonic. The harshness of the institution is the specific issue whereby historians have debated whether blacks were better off as slaves than freemen. Simply put, the relative profitability of slavery and the harshness of it are intertwined. Featured within profitability is analysis of who profited from the institution of slavery and what their profit was. Slavery developed for plantation holders to be a profitable tool in the production of cotton, involving the planting, tilling, harvesting, in short, getting the crop to market. As an institution within agriculture, specifically cotton production, slavery became as profitable as it was because of the particular time and place wherein it occurred: cotton plantations in the southern United States during the cotton boom. Slavery would not have been a profitable activity under other circumstances, and minus the lucrative potential of owning slaves, the practise of slaveholding could only be explained as a ruthless, indefensible act of tyranny. Phillips delineates upon the existence of slavery within civilization in terms of economics: In barbaric society slavery is a normal means of conquering the isolation of workers and assembling them in more productive coordination. Where population is scant and money little used it is almost a necessity in the conduct of large undertakings, and therefore more or less essential for the advancement of civilization.2 Slavery served a definite purpose. The South, with its fertile soils, ideal climate, and long growing season, was the ideal environment to profit within.3 In order to develop that opportunity, large numbers of workers were necessary. In Slavery: History and Historians, Parish expands on Southern agriculture in order to prove that cotton and slavery went hand in hand. Corn was a staple crop of small farmers. However, it did not lead to much profit. Cotton, on the other hand, was profitable, but costly, and ran more risk. Cotton plantation owners, as slaveholders, countered the risk by keeping large numbers of slaves and thereby controlling the allocation of labour according to market activity.4 Gavin Wright calculates that "when output is valued at market prices, cotton comprised about one-quarter of the output of typical slaveless farms, but three-fifths or more for the largest slaveholding cotton plantations." A large quantity of labourers and efficient cotton production went hand in hand to insure market profit. Slavery was profitable
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Question for discussion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Question for discussion - Essay Example There are some important aspects in King’s argument. King said that injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. He discussed the interrelation of life and affirmed that all actions have global repercussions. Racism, for instance, may be seen as something that affects only African Americans, but in the end, it affects the whole continent. It hinders relationships across people from different races, and in the end, they cannot unite for a common good such as combating challenges that prevent economic equality. There are some ideas from the letter than can help shine light on current problems facing the American society. King had the idea of people sacrificing their ideas, energy, and time for the common good. Economic inequality as a current problem has been hard to overcome because people fail to sacrifice to achieve economic parity. The society is more of capitalistic, rather than encouraging economic opportunity for every citizen. The government is not willing to make tangible solutions that can transform the economy, as profit making is the main
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Impact of Technology on Small Businesses Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
Impact of Technology on Small Businesses - Essay Example In the present paper the impact of technology is critically analyzed to understand whether adopting technology in its various forms is profitable to small businesses or not through qualitative research methodology. Small businesses drive the economy by leading in innovation and very crucial for national economies because of their large contribution in terms of employment and turnover (Burns, 2007). Small Medium Enterprises (SME) according to the Bolton committee is defined as an independent local firm whose ownership and management is vested in the same individuals and market share is small. A firm is termed as SME when it meets two of the three criteria’s namely consisting â€Å"up to 250 employees, up to  £50 million annual turnover and  £43 million annual statement of financial position total†as given by the European Commission of 2003 (Amm, 2011, p.1). Small businesses like large firms, in their operations try to apply latest technologies in order to be competitive, knowledgeable, more efficient and eventually more profitable (Kierman, 1995). However it has been found that technology is also negatively affecting the small businesses by decreasing the personal aspect of the business relationship, surveillance and constant monitoring using technology is decreasing employee morale and productivity significantly and brick and mortar small stores are losing their market share to large companies who use technology extensively (Hanley, 2013) moreover technology brings change that might not be adopted well by employees and is expensive and keeps changing (Keirman, 1995 and Burgess, 2002). SME’s compared to larger firms respond quickly to market threats and opportunities because they are more market-driven than larger firms who are more research driven. And use innovative technology or technology innovatively in developing new markets and about ten percent of SMEs are technology based and can be termed as innovative.Â
Friday, August 23, 2019
The Role of Learner Self Assessment in the IB PYP classrooms Assignment
The Role of Learner Self Assessment in the IB PYP classrooms - Assignment Example In the wake of this discussion, researchers have suggested that effective assessment at all levels of education holds the key to realising the aim of childhood. In the school set up, there are different kinds of assessment and assessments are conducted for different reasons and at different times. Students at the early stage of education have several areas of their education that is worth assessing. These diverse areas of assessment help in giving well resourced and comprehensive reports about individual students – their weaknesses, their strengths, their progress and projections for their future. In this regard, The Cedarville University (2010) admonishes that â€Å"understanding ones' skills, interests, abilities, personality, and values is important when considering any next step after obtaining a high school diploma.†This is to say that a lot of assessment has to be carried out on the student at the very beginning so that a comprehensive data can be obtained as to who the student really when he gets to the higher level. This topic, â€Å"The Role of Learner Self Assessment in the IB PYP classrooms†has therefore been chosen to help find the relationship between childhood education and effective assessment at the primary level. As there remains diverse forms of assessment, an emphasis will be laid on self-assessment at the primary level of education to discover how the phenomenon can be helpful in producing an all round student. Defining Assessment Assessment is a very broad aspect of school education and comes with several explanations and definitions. Kizlit (2011) defines assessment as â€Å"a process by which information is obtained relative to some known objective or goal.†CyberSleuth-Kids, an online educational journal on the other hand, sees assessment as â€Å"the process of documenting, often times in measurable terms, knowledge, skills, attitudes and beliefs.†The Northwestern Science Health University (2010) al so explains that â€Å"Assessment is an ongoing process of setting high expectations for student learning, measuring progress toward established learning outcomes, and providing a basis for reflection, discussion and feedback to improve University academic programs.†To sum all the definitions up, it can be deduced that assessment is the practice of gathering necessary information about a person through the use of a measurable device for decision making. The decision making in the school environment has mostly got to do with student academic standing, student behaviour, student interest, student talent, skills, and knowledge among other factors. A common device that is used to gather needed information about students is test. There are some closely linked terminologies or components of education that have some relation with assessment though these are different from assessment. As already mentioned, test is one of these components. Measurement and evaluation are the others. D rawing the distinction between these components, Kizlit (2011) notes that measurement is refers to â€Å"the process by which the attributes or dimensions of some physical object are determined.â€
Thursday, August 22, 2019
The concept of Trinity Essay Example for Free
The concept of Trinity Essay The concept of Trinity describes that God exists as a single being yet lives as three persons, consisting of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. The three persons are believed to be discrete and eternal persons, all belong to one Divine being. The doctrine that supports the concept of Trinity is Trinitarianism. This doctrine also describes that the Son, the second person of the Trinity, is comprised of two well-defined characters, the fully divine and the fully human characters. The concept of the Trinity is the consequence of incessant investigations conducted by the church on the information contained in the bible, as well as debates held with regards to the bible, and expositions on the concept. The dogma of a universal trinity was instituted in 325 AD, which then received enormous denials from religious sects. The most accepted theory of the Trinity is found in the Gospel of John in the Bible. Hence the Trinity explains the nature of God, as well as the spiritual circumstance of man (McGrath, 1990). This concept also rationalizes God’s design for grace and salvation, and the principle of the church. The Trinity also explains through the concept of the Trinity other issues such as evangelism, Christian education, social interactions, religious freedom and the family. The concept of Trinity describes that the existing creeds were produced as a result of heresies to their beliefs. This happened during the era of the apostles, which used the events of heresy as an optimal time to respond through the creation the creeds to attest to their beliefs. Reference McGrath AE (1990): Understanding the Trinity. Zondervan, ISBN 0310296811.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Penang Mutiara Essay Example for Free
Penang Mutiara Essay Speed Speed means do thing fast. Speed means fast response to requirements of external customers or new conditions, speedy decision making and speedy movement of materials and information inside the operation. It’s benefit are: †¢ Speed reduces inventories reducing i inventories mean increasing the utilization of rooms and restaurant, that fast cleaning and preparing the available rooms and dinner tables for external customers adds revenue for organization, and improving the efficient of working. †¢ Speed adds flexibility fast response adds the capability for operations to the flexibility dealing with urgent things. †¢ Speed adds dependability fast delivering for the latest information among other department of operations, such as the newest customer entrance information, available room information, adds the dependability for each internal operation’s coordination and communication. Dependability Dependability means do things on time. Dependability means well management and coordination with each operation ensuring other process. are reliable, such as delivering right material or information on time, correct foreseeing and planning the facilities, reorder and workforce. It leads to more effective operation. It effectively arranging the facilities, information, material, workforce, money and time to ensure all of them can be available at any time, saves the time to wait or to look for the other substitutes. Dependability arrangement reduces the chance of repeating input resources or some resources leaving unused increasing the cost of maintain or store fee, or labor cost. Flexibility Flexibility means change what you do. It means according different requirements or things to fast handle with, making change or decisions , flexibility arranging and coordinating operations’ work. †¢ Flexibility saves resources can prevent unnecessarily repeating planning, spending, and using resources such as time, money, workforce, to follow the traditional ways to do things done. †¢ Flexibility increase speed of response being able to give fast service for customers depends on the operation being flexible. Flexible operations speedily transfer extra skilled staff and equipment to the urgent conditions and emergencies will provide the service with other customer’s needs. Quality Quality means ‘doing things right’. For Mutiara, quality means consistently producing impeccable services, using top-class and durable materials to create the right impression and environment, and anticipating and preventing all potential problems in advance. It is benefit to make life easier inside the operation. †¢ Good quality leads to stable and efficient processes that less mistake, easy for coordination for matching the standard of processes, dependable and advance equipments and tools to use adds dependability for internal customer. †¢ It reduces cost for Mutiara due to it is fewer the chance to make mistakes. Redoing or correcting mistakes, or to reducing confusion or irritation for each people; second, it also reduces the labor cost. Dispelling some serious troubles or problem always needs more staff or more time to do it, thus, it results in the labor cost added, such as part-time salary, overtime compensation. The more minimizing mistakes, the more minimize the excess labor costs to pay for doing excess works; third, less mistake and using top-class and durable materials also result in saving expenditures such as maintaining fee, cost of materials resulted by mistakes, transporting fees, and other excess expenditures. ALTERNATIVE COURSES OF ACTION †¢ Expand its business in other areas to acquire more market shares against other high-class and strong competitors in the whole Asia region, or even in the world. †¢ Through concession and alliance with other business such as tour companies, ocean safari theme park, movie companies, golf or car club, complete set of hotel industry which is gathering tour, amusement, business and relaxation together. †¢ Upgrade technology such as wireless internet, website, including introduction of hotel services, traffic map, resource and promotion information, booking on line and e-payments †¢ Develop marketing strategies to widen up market share, such as offering difference holiday traveling packages, discounts and loyalty cards. †¢ Continues improvement internally by developing Total Quality Management (TQM), Kaizen, and 5S system and ISO standards. †¢ Monitor customer’s feedback by developing centralized customer relation office which conducts satisfaction survey. †¢ Offer continual training for staff to improve the standard quality of services, English and Foreign language speaking, handling these new automatic system and internet using. †¢ Adding the advertisement through TV, internet, high-income reader journal or fashion magazines and newspaper. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION To conclude, even though Penang Mutiara managed to maintain its competitiveness with their current strategy, however it is not sufficient to remain competitiveness due to volatile market demand. Moreover, with the emergence of the global tourism, hospitality industry and globalization with competition from all over the hotel industry, the need to augment existing and new strategies need to be address speedily. In order to compete for business and to keep abreast with stiff competition in the hotel industry. The hotel’s management should strengthen their marketing and operation strategies as a tool in increasing market share, prioritizing in developing website and upgrade the hotel facilities. Performance measurement by monitoring feedback and implement quality management. Also adopt proactive approach to enhance and maintain consistency in quality and level of services by conducting staff retrain and upgrading of skills. Reviewing new service standards, conduct regular focus group studies to predict future customer requirements, minimize and eliminate high employee turnover by taking good care of staff welfare, and exercise job rotation of staff to promote innovation and creativity in the job.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Legal Recognition of Unmarried Couples
Legal Recognition of Unmarried Couples
Homespun to Sophisticated: Place as Transformer :: Philosophy Philosophical Papers
Homespun to Sophisticated: Place as Transformer Works Cited Missing It is common in the transcendental philosophy to associate the act of transcending with a place. Philosophers, artists, and writers fled to Niagara Falls and the White Mountains in search of sublime scenery that would connect them with God. One of the leading Transcendentalists, Ralph Waldo Emerson, states that "Nature deif[ies] us with a few and cheap elements" (Emerson, 27). The essential communion between man and nature, through something he calls the "Oversoul," enables man to transfer the world into the consciousness, thereby uniting himself with God. Ironically, as the Transcendentalists were streaming into the countryside, young women from farms surrounding New England, especially from the White Mountains, were flooding the cities looking for work in the mills. The "Lowell Girls" went into the city to earn money for themselves or for their families and to undergo a transformation from a "homespun country bumpkin" to sophisticated, respected city woman with a "sense of independ ence." These changes and improvements were part of the Lowell experience. The owners of the mills created a myth of the mills as a transformer which was then perpetuated by the mill girls via word of mouth or through their writings in the Lowell Offering. The fictions in the Lowell Offering express their desire to be seen as transformed into the ideal woman. The act of self-representation through writing, which has as its central essence the transformative power of a place, was utilized by writers such as Margaret Fuller, Nathaniel Hawthorne and Henry David Thoreau. The popularity of their writing and their ideas of the importance of the individual's relationship with God, nature and work surely influenced the Lowell women's writing and their desire to be seen as transformed. According to Transcendental philosophy, "nature is transcendental" (Emerson 197). "There was nothing in the intellect which was not previously in the experience of the senses, by showing that there was a very important class of ideas or imperative forms, which did not come by experience, but through which experience was acquired; that these were intuitions of the mind itself; and [Kant] denominated them Transcendental forms" (Emerson 197). Man experiences God and his power in the natural world. Beauty which is unavoidable in the natural world has "the presence of a higher, namely, of the spiritual element ... essential to its perfection. ... Beauty is the mark God sets upon virtue" (Emerson 28).
Monday, August 19, 2019
Ginsberg, Allen. Howl and Other Poems. San Francisco: City Light Books,
Ginsberg, Allen. Howl and Other Poems. San Francisco: City Light Books, 2001. Capitalizing on Capitalizing in Ginsberg’s Howl Ginsberg was a literary revolutionary as can be seen in his poetry. He pushed form and genre, theory and confrontation, confession and controversy right to the threshold and over the doorway of societal standards. In pushing and pushing, Ginsberg creates a new vocabulary for certain words by capitalizing them and giving them the significance of the ‘proper noun.’ By capitalizing the first letter of certain words, Ginsberg gives a solid identity to intangible things and redefines their role in a corrupted society that has destroyed the â€Å"best minds†of his generation. Heaven, Terror, Time, Zen, Eternity, Capitalism, Absolute Reality and Space find their niche among the cities and events in section one. None of the words begin a sentence and some are used multiple times, giving them even more validity in their existence. Somewhere along the line the â€Å"best minds of [Ginsberg’s] generation†â€Å"bared their brains to Heaven,†â€Å"cowered†¦listening to the Terror,†in the midst of â€Å"poles†¦illuminating all the motionless world of Time†and â€Å"vanished into nowhere Zen,†â€Å"followed a brilliant Spaniard to converse about America and Eternity,†â€Å"burned cigarette holes in their arms protesting the narcotic tobacco haze of Capitalism,†or â€Å"were run down by the drunken taxicabs of Absolute Reality†(9-13, 16). Despite Ginsberg’s rants towards hysteria and chaos, there is some hope in the vulnerability of men who â€Å"bared their brains to Heaven.†There is a strong sense of redemption in the Eternity that is continuously referred to page to page. This also gives the minds some validity and a sense of ownership of... ...ey tie in with the Absolute Reality way of approaching the world. At the same time that he devalues Visions and Dreams, calling them, â€Å"the whole boatload of sensitive bullshit,†he also seems to feel that way because they have been devalued by America, rather than by be devalued in their own right (22). The few remaining capitalized words maintain that strand of hope that Ginsberg gave in section one. Even if America has devalued Dreams, Visions, and Epiphanies, they are still there for the taking in some sense. By the third section, Ginsberg has found some middle ground and solidarity. There is hope for the destroyed minds and corrupted America. Ginsberg attaches his own meaning to these words to set up the minds vs. society and provides some eternal hope that stands outside of society’s domination and gives everyone some ultimate answers and consistency.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Things They Carried Essay: Strength in The Things They Carried
Strength in The Things They Carried     Everybody has to deal with adversity at some point in their lives. The adversity that they go through varies from person to person. For First Lieutenant Jimmy Cross, he had to make it through the Vietnam War alive. In the short story, "The Things They Carried," where Cross draws his strength from is somewhat unclear. He seems strong at the beginning of the story, but then again, he also seems to be gaining strength towards the end of the story. This paper shows two different points of view. It discusses whether Jimmy Cross is a stronger person at the beginning of the story or at the end of the story. One opinion is that First Lieutenant Jimmy Cross is stronger before he burns the pictures of Martha. His strength comes from his connections to the outside world. Martha is his link to life away from the war. This is why it is important that "Martha never mentioned the war, except to say, Jimmy, take care of yourself. She wasn't involved" (O'Brien 403-404). She symbolizes all that he left behind, and all that he hopes to someday return to: innocence, comfort, love, and hope. These hopes and dreams are the things that keep him sane; they keep him more human and less of a war machine. He shows his strength by attaching himself to these things and by keeping himself partly detached from the violence surrounding him. He has the amazing ability to admit to himself that, "he was just a kid at war, in love. He was twenty-two years old. He couldn't help it" (397). By having the strength to see this reality, he fights against war's power to consume a person's whole identity. However, by deciding that, "henceforth, when he thought about Martha, it would be only to think that she belonged..., to a man who now realizes his job, and will make damn sure to get it done right. Both of the points of view are valid arguments. Both are well thought out and have good evidence to back them up. So which one is the right one? Well, that's the great thing about short stories like "The Things They Carried," they are open to interpretation. The reader is the one to decide what it means to them. The point of this paper was to present two different arguments from two different readers. These points of view were both able to answer the question, was Jimmy Cross stronger at the beginning of the story or at the end of the story, in their own way. Work Cited O'Brien, Tim. "The Things They Carried." Literature and Its Writers: An Introduction to Fiction, Poetry, and Drama. 2nd ed. Ed. Ann Charters and Samuel Charters. Boston: Bedford, 2001. Pg. 392-405. Â
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Life of Being an African American Essay
Throughout my life, I have had to battle with my own identity, as many people do. It is not just a black thing, I’m sure. I know people from all different ethnicities, who struggle to find themselves, but this has little to do with the way they look on the outside – it is the quest to find out who they are on the inside. I found that person when I was thirteen years old, but then when I moved to the United States from Chicago eight years ago, I underwent another sort of struggle with identity. This time it was because of the way I looked, and it was less than a personal struggle than it was a fight against discrimination. I had never really experienced any form of racial discrimination in Chicago; almost everyone who lived in our area was African American, with a few exceptions. There were a few white people, but they apparently were not indicative of the general population in America, as I never received any mistreatment or discrimination from them, and likewise, I do not believe they suffered any discrimination by my fellow African Americans. Everyone sort of just fit in and carried on with their daily lives. I am ashamed to admit that this is how I thought that my life would be in Texas as well. I did expect things to be different. I knew that Dallas were more affluent and I knew that there were buildings as big as some of our smaller towns. The buildings in the brochures seemed to reach the sky. I believed that the sky would be bluer, the air cleaner, and the people would be as friendly as they seemed to be on television and in the brochures. All of these shiny, smiling white faces would greet me with open arms and assist me in any way possible to make my stay wonderful. However, the exact opposite has happened to me. Although I am not the only African American by far to come to Dallas, I certainly felt all alone my first six months here. While I did meet other African Americans, and they welcomed me, they were all busy struggling to make a living or to learn the language just as much as the next. It seemed even the older African Americans who had lived here for over ten years still never managed to fit in. I have been called â€Å"stupid†, â€Å"ignorant†and â€Å"dumb†despite the fact that I am more intelligent than many of the people calling me this. .One of the things that annoys me the most is when I try to talk to someone and they talk back to me with a slang accent. I have had people speak very slowly and with raised volume and exaggerated hand movements when they are trying to talk to me. I guess they think that deaf and dumb. Stereotypes exist, I understand this, and it really doesn’t affect me as much as being discriminated against does. For example, I can take people assuming that I work at a chicken place or even asking â€Å"what are you†. But when I take the time to talk to people and explain and let them into my life a little, I expect a bit more than from someone on the street, but I don’t often get it. In my small group of friends, which is mainly white people, they don’t think I’m stupid or ignorant, unlike those strangers I meet on the street, and they don’t think I’m deaf and dumb; they actually think that I’m of the most caring person, and will do anything for them. Living in America is a dream for many, and while there are so many opportunities here, I have to say that it is a struggle for an African American to fit in. I can only hope that future employers will not discriminate or that the only jobs that I can find will be dishwashing and working for a place that sells chicken. While these jobs are suitable for some, they are not why I came to America. In essence, I am chasing the American dream, and while many Americans have discriminated against me, I can only hope that the dream will not.
Friday, August 16, 2019
Benefits and Costs to U.S. Adoption of IFRS
There are different ways in which researchers can present the findings of their research to readers or users of the research information. It is important to follow all the rules of research presentation in order for the research information to be clear to all the people who rely on it. This paper aims at analyzing the article on the costs and benefits of US adoption to the IFRS system of accounting by David Albrecht.The aim of this paper is to analyze whether the author has followed the necessary steps and format in presenting the findings on his research, in order to evaluate whether it meets the international standards for presenting research papers. Summary. According to Albrecht (2008), the author carries out a cost benefit analysis in order to evaluate whether the decision to change from GAAP standards to IFRS, by US firms is feasible. He uses the incremental analysis model to come to a conclusion on the subject.He finds that the costs outweigh the benefits, considering that the cost of changing the system in monetary terms is over $3 million. These costs arise from the need to train accountants and conversion costs for companies. The benefits amount to $100 billion, from reduced audit fees. He therefore concludes that the accounting system should not be changed. The paper is written for a general audience judging from the absence of corroborated arguments and evidence from secondary and primary sources, required by experts. Organization. The research paper has not been organized into clearly defined parts.It has been written as one long essay which is not structured into different parts, and this may present problems to readers who are keen to analyze various arguments by the author. A basic research paper should include an abstract, an introduction, the background of the problem, literature review, research methodology and findings, analysis of findings and finally a conclusion and recommendation of the issues discussed (Kothari, 2005). However, in analy zing the article, the author gives a very brief introduction in the first line. He says that US corporations face dilemmas in deciding whether to adapt to the IFRS system or not.He further explains in the second paragraph that this decision should be guided by incremental analysis. This means that the benefits of adapting to the IFRS system should outweigh the costs of the same decision. Research. The author supports his research using the incremental analysis framework. He further uses quotes from the US Securities and Exchange commission. However, he does not quote the source of this information, which makes it difficult to determine the authenticity. Since the research does not cite the references, it is difficult to know the documentation style.It also becomes difficult to know whether the author is paraphrasing quotes from other researchers. Style. The author uses the present tense in writing the article throughout the paper. However, he uses the first person and third person w hen writing different parts of the paper. The first person tense is used when he gives his own opinion, for instance, in the last sentence of the article he says that â€Å"†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ is the reason why I oppose switching from GAAP to IFRS†. He uses contractions in some parts of the paper, for instance in the eleventh paragraph where the last sentence says â€Å"Let's say another trillion†.The overall grammar used in the article is relatively poor, due to the use of slang, contractions, and short forms among other grammatical mistakes. For instance, in the seventh paragraph, he says â€Å"execs' instead of executives Conclusion. The paper lacks some aspects of research work, most of which have been explained. The author does not also have references to sources which have been used for research. The content can also be said to be biased, since the author does not mention the connection between the GAAP standards and collapse of mortgage crisis in firms like L ehman Brothers.GAAP standards and specifically asset valuation was one of the causal factors of its downfall. However, the article is useful as it can serve as a source of doing further research on the subject. In future, the author should ensure that his research confirms to all aspects of research work. References. Albrecht, D. (2008). Benefits and costs of adoption of IFRS. Retrieved on January 26, 2008 from . Kothari, C. R. (2005). Research Methodology: Techniques & Methods. New York: New Age Publishers.
Thursday, August 15, 2019
Alice and Coraline
Austin Way English I Mr. Keiter February 28, 2013 Alice and Coraline Comparison The book Alice in Wonderland was written by Lewis Carroll. Coraline was written by Neil Gaiman. Each book was later turned into films to help better get a picture of the adventurous lands the girls traveled through. In the movies Alice in Wonderland and Coraline there are many similarities but also many differences. Though having many differences and similarities each film taught a lesson to the audience by showing the interesting journey of each girl and their adventures along the way.There are many similarities between the movies. In both stories the viewpoint figure meets a talking cat. The girls were around the same age during their adventures. They both went forward into a different reality due to their curiosity. When they arrived to this unknown place it was cool and interesting to them. They both went through a hole to get to this â€Å"opposite/wonderland†. They each started out pretty muc h unhappy with the way their life was. They both returned with a new sense of life.Both were in danger by a female dominate figure (Queen of hearts/Other Mother). Alice was uncertain about all that was happening around her. Coraline adored the change at first. Alice was set up more colorful and strangely cheery. Coraline was gothic looking and dark. Coraline had to help the souls of other girls who had fallen to the Other Mother, Alice didn’t. Alice grew and shrunk throughout the book/film, while Coraline stayed the same. In Alice in Wonderland Alice follows a talking white rabbit down a hole.In this hole is where her journey begins. Alice must kill Jabheiwoki to return to her normal life. Sadly when Alice returns home her family is the same. Though upset things haven’t changed Alice is now strong enough to stand up to her fiance that she doesn’t want to get married to. â€Å"Alice†is mostly a book without a plot telling of Alice's dream experiences whic h don’t particularly make sense but are not supposed to make sense. It is a dream tale. Alice herself is the viewpoint character and as such is very â€Å"normal†.Alice seems no different in â€Å"Through the Looking Glass and What Alice Found There†. Coraline is also the viewpoint character and very normal, but the events that happen to her, within the story, are supposed to be â€Å"real†, not a dream. In Coraline she also enters another world because her family doesn’t pay attention to her. She must trick and kill the other mother to return to her real life and get out of this button fancy. Coraline also saves her real family in the fancy land. When they return to real life the family is much closer and has a stronger relationship. Coraline†has a plot in which a mysterious spidery woman is attempting to persuade Coraline into remaining in this other world forever. No such temptation is ever laid before Alice. In Coraline others have previ ously been taken captive by the ruler of the world in which Coraline finds herself which is a plot element the like of which does not exist in â€Å"Alice†. Coraline must rescue them. â€Å"Alice†has some characters appear more than once, for example, the Duchess, the Cheshire Cat, and the Hatter but nothing that corresponds to a main plot. Coraline gets out of the clutches of the spidery woman by being clever.Alice gets out of her dream by just waking up. Coraline must crawl back through the hole after killing the other mother. Alice does not change in the story, or at least we are not shown enough of what she was like before the dream or after to see what kind of change in her personality may have occurred. Coraline changes and becomes happy for what she had but is also grateful that this whole experience brought her and her family closer. This was a big difference in the movies because this showed the message the author was trying to send to the audience.If the Que en of Hearts is compared to the spidery woman, it will be observed that they are quite different. The Queen of Hearts seems to be brutal but the reader is told that the many beheadings she orders never actually occur and that we are shown that the King pardons the poor gardeners. The Queen, like most characters in the story are mad, but she is being coddled and protected in her madness. The spider woman, on the contrary, is a force to be reckoned with and has real power. Later both girls realized it was just a front and the places become scary.Each girl then finds themselves fighting to get back home to their normal lives. The adventures, though scary, changed the lives of the young girls. They both became stronger in who they were. Although the girls weren’t very happy with their real life before their journeys, they were still happy to be home. They both learned something or became a stronger individual. Though they were scared during their journey, something good comes fro m everything bad. The girls learned to appreciate what they had and to be careful what they wish for.
Wednesday, August 14, 2019
Adjustment Disorder Diagnosis and Treatment Essay
Adjustment Disorder Diagnosis and Treatment Adjustment disorder is a mental disorder that results from unhealthy responses to stressful or psychologically distressing events in life. This failure to adapt then leads to the development of emotional and behavioral symptoms. All age groups are affected by this disorder; and children have the same chance of developing the illness. While difficult to determine the causes of adjustment disorder, researchers suggest that genetics play a large part, as well as chemical changes in the brain, life experiences and mood. Some common stressor contributing to the disorder ncludes; the ending of a romantic relationship, loss of a Job, career change, an accident, relocating to a new area or loss of a loved one. (Mayo Clinic, 2010) An adjustment disorder causes feelings of depression, anxiousness, crying spells, sadness, desperation, lack of enjoyment, and some have reported experiencing thoughts of suicide. Additionally, the illness causes one to be unable to go about their normal routine or work and visit with friends and family. The lengths of symptoms vary from zero to six months (acute) and longer than six months (chronic). In the cases of acute adjustment disorder, symptoms can go away eventually; however, in chronic cases, symptoms begin to disrupt your life whereas, professional treatment is necessary to prevent the illness from worsening. Lastly, this disorder carries the possibility for abuse of alcohol and drugs, and eventually could result in violent behavior. According to a report issued by Tami Benton of WebMD, â€Å"the development of emotional or behavioral symptoms in response to an identifiable stressor(s) occurs within 3 months of the onset of the stressor(s). These symptoms or behaviors are linically significant, as evidenced by marked distress in excess of what is expected from exposure to the stressor, or significant impairment in social or occupational (academic) functioning. The stress-related disturbance does not meet criteria for another specific axis I disorder and is not merely an exacerbation of a preexisting axis I or axis II disorder. The symptoms do not represent bereavement. Once the stressor (or its consequences) has terminated, the symptoms do not persist for more than an additional 6 months†. A determination is made as to whether the illness is acute or chronic. A differential diagnosis issued by Benton states that, â€Å"Adjustment Disorder’s (AD) are located on a continuum between normal stress reactions and specific psychiatric disorders. Symptoms are not likely a normal reaction if the symptoms are moderately severe or if daily social or occupational functioning is impaired. If a specific stressor is involved and/or the symptoms are not specific but are severe, alternate diagnoses (eg, posttraumatic stress disorder, conduct disorder, depressive disorders, anxiety disorders, depression or anxiety due to a general medical condition) are unlikely’. Benton, 2009) â€Å"Clinical treatment modalities are difficult due to lack of clinical trials; as these AD originates from a psychological reaction to a stressor, the stressor must be identified and communicated by the patient. The non-adaptive response to the stressor may be diminished if the stress can be â€Å"eliminated, reduced or accommodated. Therefore, treatment of ADS entails psychotherapeutic counseling aimed at reducing the stressor, improving coping ability with stressors that cannot be reduced or removed, and formatting an emotional state and support systems to enhance adaptation and coping. Further, the goal of psychotherapy should include; an analysis of the stressors that are affecting the patient, and determine whether they can be eliminated or minimized, clarification and interpretation of the meaning of the stressor for the patient, reframe the meaning of the stressor, illuminate the concerns and conflicts the patient experiences, identification of a means to reduce the stressor, maximize the patient’s coping skills, assist patients to gain perspective on the stressor, establish relationships, attend support groups, and manage themselves and the stressor. Psychotherapy, crisis intervention, family and group herapies, cognitive behavioral therapy, and interpersonal psychotherapy are effective for eliciting the expressions of affects, anxiety, helplessness, and hopelessness in relation to the identified stressor(s)†. (Benton, 2009) For patients with minor or major depressive disorders, who have not responded to psychotherapy and other interventions; trials of antidepressants are recommended.
The clergy's involvement (an aspect of the Iranian Revolution) Research Paper
The clergy's involvement (an aspect of the Iranian Revolution) - Research Paper Example Hence, according to our opinion how could this man provoke a revolution? The Revolution In 1978, the youngsters and the working class of Iran protested and challenged the Shah’s army SAVAK, the most hated and powerful army used for repression in the entire world. When the masses were on roads, many soldiers of this army threw their uniforms and weapons away fearing the retaliation from the people. The reasons for their fear were due to the fact that they have been involved in brutal acts against innocent people of Iran. (Stempel 110) Under the rule of the Shah, industrialization of the country took place which resulted in massive unemployment, which ultimately played an important role in the revolution. The movement led by the oil workers was very important. At the crucial moments, these workers did not move since they knew the importance of oil industry for Iran, hence leading to the end of the Shah’s regime. This was the first time in the history of 14 years that thou sands of Iranians dwelling in slum areas, protested against the Monarch. The movement was basically started by the labour working class and the less-privileged classes of the urban population opened the gate of the protests in July 1977. This also involved other sectors of the society like the traditional clergy and the intellectuals who were disturbed by the attitude of the foreign companies and the economic boom in the country. The largest recorded protest in the history took place with around 2 million people on September 7, 1978 in the city of Tehran. To these protests, the monarchist regime retaliated by killings of thousands of innocent protestors and imposing martial law in the country. This resulted in strikes by the working class. One of the massive strikes was of the 30,000 people from the working class of the oil industry, which affected the country’s economy to still. This was the opening up of another massive strike where the working class started taking over hos pitals, factories, universities and offices of the country. A committee of the democratic workers was organized and named as Shoras, their purpose was to either sidestep or confront the owners and the managers. The committees were also formed around local mosques consisting of the slum dwellers, which played an important role in assisting the clergy taking control of the movement. They also guarded their neighbourhoods from Shah’s army. The significant forces were People’s Mujahidin guerrillas, people’s Fedayeen and communist Tudeh party, who played a key role in mobilizing the urban revolts. In February, 1979, with the help of a rebellion from the Shah’s army, made it possible to pave the way for Ayatollah Khomeini along with clergy and liberal capitalist politicians for gaining control and seize power. Ayatollah Khomeini, who had just returned from the exile, successfully captured the leadership of the movement which was initiated by the labour class. H owever, Mroue (159) observed that there was no coordinated attacks on the capitalism system by the strike comittees. Also, to ntoe that there was not much coordination observed with the institutions of the civil society. This was the gap which was filled by the religious bodies, which held a previlidged status in the Iranian society whereas other forces were shattered. Role of Islamic Clergy in the Revolution Fading of the ancient traditions of life and the growth of capitalism introduced several reactions both within
Tuesday, August 13, 2019
Online Store Popularity vs. Retail Outlets Research Paper
Online Store Popularity vs. Retail Outlets - Research Paper Example How to target consumers buying over the internet and how to make online store fruitful? The chief objective of the research is to estimate and inspect the consequences and decide is it worthy of time and effort when opening an online store (Laura, 2011). Online shopping turned out to be widely held 10 years ago. 94 percent of Americans use PCs for individual purposes. Nearly two-thirds have "a great level of dependency†. Nearly 70 percent of Americans shop online and 88 percent of that number has shopped online to some degree in the previous six months. Profits for products bought online now average over and above $34 billion annually, up to 500 percent further from the year 1999. According to a website which gives people a lot of discount vouchers, â€Å"The highest percentage of both men (77 percent) and women (68 percent) shop online in the mornings before lunch. Top level professional males and females prefer to shop at night. Stay-at-home moms tend to shop in the mid-afte rnoon, perhaps during nap time†The research also states that twenty-nine percent of males and 30 percent of females said their picks are "recurrently" inclined by online ads while 43 percent say choices are "from time to time" swayed. For this research, the use of random sampling method will be employed, since every living person has an equal right of being carefully chosen. The objective is to define the age group as well as gender from the people who purchase online. Likewise, the aim is to determine how repeatedly people shop online and what is the attractiveness of online shopping, and similarly to observe the most repeatedly bought products online. Literature Review Referring to an article by Gerald & Trifts (2003; n.p.), it is evident that a distinctive characteristic of online shopping is that they permit sellers to form retail crossing point with extremely intricate communication types. One looked-for method of interactivity from a customer viewpoint is putting into p ractice refined tools to help customers in their buying choices by adapting the electronic shopping environment to their separate preferences. The most important objective of this paper is to explore the environment of special effects that communication decision supports may have on customer choice-making in online shopping environment. Although while making buying-choices, customers are every so often incapable to assess all accessible substitutes in great deepness and, as a consequence, have a habit of using two-stage procedures to influence their judgments. At the major phase, customers naturally monitor a great set of offered goods and categorize a subcategory of the most auspicious substitutions. Afterwards, they appraise the latter with more gravity, carry out comparative judgments across goods on significant qualities, and make a buying choice. The two interactive tools used: RA (Recommendation Agent) and CM (Comparison Matrix) are used in the first and second stage respectiv ely. In conclusion the major findings by the two authors put forward are that the communication tools, used to support customers in the early selection of accessible substitutes and to assist in-depth judgments among carefully chosen substitutes in an online shopping environs, may have strong promising effects on both the superiority and the good organization of buying decisions-shoppers; this can make much improved choices by buyers who can spend considerably less energy this
Monday, August 12, 2019
Social Class systems Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Social Class systems - Essay Example Studies conducted show that forty two percent of men born in the bottom five social classes stay that way when they become adults. To add to the figures, just eight percent of Americans born at the bottom, rise to the top. From this figures it is safe to argue that contrary to popular belief, America is in fact a caste social system. There are various reasons for this argument, the first being that the country has a thin safety net to cushion children from poverty, therefore less class mobility. We find that in most poor children are raised by single parents, a factor which increases poverty levels. This is compounded, by racial discrimination which leaves most people of color, especially African Americans vulnerable and poor, compared to the other races. The second reason is that in our society, education is enables one to get a higher salary. This leaves people from poor families at a disadvantage because upper income parents invest more in their children’s education to increase their chances of success in life. The children of the high income earners go to the best schools and are prepared to learn. It is safe to argue that most people at the top are there due to their backgrounds, more than merit. Ours is therefore a system of the poor remaining poor and the other way round. The kind of education you get how the police treat you and even who you get married to, is largely influenced by your social
Sunday, August 11, 2019
Critically discuss how language differences between home and host Essay
Critically discuss how language differences between home and host country can influence MNCs entry mode strategy - Essay Example However, these language barriers can have different effects on different entry modes. The extent of MNCs exposure to language barrier will therefore depend on their entry mode. Moreover, there are various literature examining the effect of formal institutions and informal institutions (mainly language) on entry mode choice. Although the effect of language on entry mode choice is relatively understudied, there exist studies that examine the impact of language on some of the entry modes separately. The rising level of globalization has become of immense importance currently. More and more firms commence to look to foreign lands to increase their businesses as the globe becomes more and more interwoven. To manage such operations across foreign boundaries has become of the biggest issues for international firms today (Egger, 2012). The international economy has formulated a business framework which needs firms to look past the traditional reasoning of the home market, and commence instead observing at businesses from a foreign global view. The technique a firm venture from their market to new foreign markets geographically is of immense importance for how best the firm attains its goals with their various businesses. Small and average sized companies, which have taken their choice to internationalize, need to grow into foreign markets face the setback of deciding on the best structural framework. There are numerous factors, which encourage firms to commence their operations in foreign markets (Feely, 2003). The most common include the hope for economies of scale, the experience curve effects outcome from an expanded level of outputs, and the reality of the existence of markets which are beneficial in the international markets which is not present at home. It can be believed that the developing in dissemination of information, progress in travel conditions, decrease in tariff issues and others have
Saturday, August 10, 2019
Sandin v. Conner Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Sandin v. Conner - Essay Example In said action, the District Court granted the officials summary judgement, which was however reversed by the Court of Appeals. The CA ruled that Conner had a liberty interest to be free from disciplinary segregation, for which reason there was a question of fact whether he had been denied due process, under Wolff v. McDonnell (418 US 539). 1. According to the decision in Wolff, states may in certain circumstances create liberty interests that are protected by the Due Process Clause. Those interests, however, will mostly be in the nature of freedom from restraint, in the sense that the punishment imposes an atypical and significant hardship on the inmate in relation to the ordinary and usual conditions of prison life. 3. The punitive measure taken against Conner, which is disciplinary segregation, is not the atypical, significant hardship in which a State might conceivably create a liberty interest. Aside from the fact that Conner’s record was subsequently expunged, segregation was administered as a usual condition of prison life, not more burdensome than similar measures imposed upon inmates in administrative segregation and protective custody. Conner’s discipline did not exceed similar but totally discretionary confinement, in either duration or degree of restriction. This writer agrees with the decision. It is true that prisoners do not shed all constitutional rights at the prison gate, (Wolff, 418 U.S. at 555), but it must be remembered that â€Å"lawful incarceration brings about the necessary withdrawal or limitation of many privileges and rights, a retraction justified by the considerations underlying our penal system†(Price v. Johnston, 334 U.S. 266, 285 (1948)). The court has determined that while the case involves a punitive measure imposed on Conner, it is not a â€Å"dramatic departure†from the basic conditions of his sentence. Within bounds of reason and where abuse is absent, the
Friday, August 9, 2019
Certified fitness trainer (Question6) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Certified fitness trainer (Question6) - Essay Example This idea is supported by the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM), the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), and the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA), which all agree that children may participate in resistance training as long as the program is appropriately designed and supervised (Howley and Franks). The usual concern associated with youth resistance training is that this type of stress may harm the developing musculoskeletal system (Stone, Stone and Sands). However, current findings indicate that there is actually no evidence of a height decrease in young people who participate in resistance training in controlled environments (Wilmore, Costill and Kenney). Thus, there is actually nothing to worry about subjecting young children to weight or resistance training. What is important is that strength and conditioning professionals understand the fundamental principles of normal growth and development in order for them to develop and evaluate safe and effective resistance training programs (Earle and
Java Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Java - Research Paper Example Members declared public have no bounds, they can be accessed from anywhere by any class irrespective of whether they are in same package or not. To sum up, the access limits of each modifier are tabulated below: Members declared as Can be accessed from members of Same Class Same Package Subclass Other Packages Public Yes Yes Yes Yes Private Yes No No No Protected Yes Yes Yes No b) Span of access Variable that are declared private/protected can be accessed outside its scope by defining set and get methods for that variable in the declaring class and calling the method from outside. However, the set and get methods must be declared public. Alternatively, we can use Reflection API which provides pre-defined methods to access private members of other classes. Still private members of super class cannot be accessed through these methods. c) Example 2. Passing Parameters to methods a) Parameter handling by methods In java, we can pass parameters of any valid data type to methods. This incl udes both primitive data types like integer, string, float etc and reference data types like objects and arrays. In both the cases, the data is passed only by value and not by reference, which means only a copy of the variable is sent and this will not affect the original value of the variable in the internal memory. i. Changing value of a primitive-type parameter within a method: When the value of the primitive type parameter is changed within the method, it remains in effects only within the scope of the function (method). It is not reflected to the outside world and the passed variable still contains its original value, unless until we assign this returned value to the variable. ii. Changing value of a primitive-type data field of a reference-type When the value of object fields of a reference type is changed within the method, it can be reflected in the original object’s field provided it has the proper access level. However, the reference variable will still point to the same object. iii. Reassigning the reference of a reference-type parameter to a new object that you create within a method In this case, the reference variable will point to the new object. b) Example In the above example, only the fields modified inside the method is reflected outside in the reference variable. The actual reference object is not modified outside when it is assigned a new object inside the method. For this reason, the textObject2 is not modified. However, in the next line when the reference variable is assigned a new object returned from the method, it now points to the new object. 3. Static Modifier a) Using the modifier static on a variable A variable is declared static in order to make it accessible commonly among all the instances of a class. In other words, the actual variable can be directly accessed and modified from any objects/instance of a class, just like a common shared folder in a network system. This type of variable is frequently employed in situation where every instances of a class require a common variable to update or retrieve certain information which is common to all users of the application. For example, retrieving or updating the most frequently viewed products in an online shopping application. Further, static variables are employed in combination with public and final keyword to store values that remain constant throughout the application.
Thursday, August 8, 2019
Modernisation, Modernity, and Modernism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Modernisation, Modernity, and Modernism - Essay Example Society would progress inevitably from barbarism to ever superior levels of development and civilization. The more modern states would be wealthier, the more freedom and higher standard of living their citizens will have. This was the standard view in the social sciences for many decades with its foremost advocate being Talcott Parsons. This theory stressed the importance of societies being open to change and saw as reactionary forces restricting development. Maintaining tradition for tradition's sake was thought to be harmful to progress and development. However, this approach has been heavily criticized, mainly because it conflated modernisation with westernisation. In this model, the modernization of a society required the destruction of the indigenous culture and its replacement by a more westernised one.4 Modernity denoted the idea that the present is discontinuous with the past, that through a process of social and cultural change, life in the present is basically distinct from the past life. This sense or idea as a world view contrasts with tradition, which is simply the sense that the present is continuous with the past, that the present in some way repeats the forms, behaviour, and events of the past.5 Modernity could include all of post-medieval European history, in the context of dividing history into three large epochs: Antiquity or Ancient history, the Middle Ages, and Modern. It is also applied specifically to the period beginning somewhere between 1870 and 1910, through the present, and even more specifically to the 1910-1960 period.6Modernity is often characterized by contrasting modern societies to premodern or postmodern ones. To an extent, it is reasonable to doubt the very possibility of a descriptive concept that can adequately capture diverse realities of societies o f various historical contexts, especially non-European ones, let alone a three-stage model of social evolution from premodernity to postmodernity.7 The Paradox of Modernity The 'crisis of modernity' is the sense that modernity is a problem, that traditional ways of life have been replaced with uncontainable change and insurmountable alternatives. The crisis itself is merely the sense that the present is a transitional point not focused on a clear goal in the future but simply changing through forces outside man's control.8 Modernization brought a series of seemingly undisputable benefits to people. Lower infant mortality rate, decreased death from starvation, eradication of some of the fatal diseases, more equal treatment of people with different backgrounds and incomes, and so on. To some, this is an indication of the potential of modernity, perhaps yet to be fully realised. In general, rational, scientific approach to problems and the pursuit of economic wealth seems still to many a reasonable way of understanding good social development.9 At the same time, there are a number of dark
Wednesday, August 7, 2019
Hobbes and Locke Essay Example for Free
Hobbes and Locke Essay Thomas Hobbes and John Locke both sought to explain the behavior of humans in the purest form. In comparing and contrasting their theories, one begins to realize the extent to which these philosophers agreed and disagreed. While Hobbes states that human nature is malicious and requires a sovereign, Locke explains how humans are benelovant and pastoral with no motivation to advance. In Hobbes’ theory of a natural state, people live with no sense of government or law, forcing society into chaos and a war where â€Å"every man [is] against every man†(Hobbes 1651:3). Without the constraints of an institution, people begin to reveal their most unpleasant virtues. The three â€Å"principal causes of quarrel†include competition, diffidence and glory (Hobbes 1651:2). In order to control these causes, Hobbes proposes a sovereign with the ability to preside over all. He proposes a Leviathan with which the people can create a social contract and increase their probability of self-preservation. In return for its protection, the Leviathan assumes the power over all through violence, resulting in contracts of fear. Ensuing from the contract with the Leviathan, society understands that â€Å"a kingdom divided in itself cannot stand†(Hobbes 1651:7). Similar to the covenant between Rome and the Romans, however, if their sovereign fails to uphold its conditions of safety and security, the commonwealth can justify his disposal. In summary, Hobbes’ believes that a successful society is one that prevents people from experiencing complete freedom, simply because they cannot handle this privilege. In comparison, Locke states that the main concern for society is the placement of property rights. In a natural state, people are equal to one another and thus have no chance to progress. Just as Hobbes recommended the Leviathan, Locke presents the placement of property as an ideal solution. Locke believes that people are able to reason, and therefore understand what is morally right and wrong. This understanding allows resolution of conflicts without an intervening sovereign. Their trouble, however, stems from the inconsistency of their ability to apply these morals when faced with conflict. By appointing property rights, people develop a capitalist style marketplace. Methods of exchange are agreed upon, and therefore each man can benefit from one another. They acknowledge that if a man puts labor into land, it is his own; as he benefits from his own land, he is simultaneously improving the welfare of his entire society. Man is able to apply his rationality and take no more than he needs. In this scenario, one of the greatest differences between Hobbes and Locke is revealed. While Hobbes believes man is merciless, Locke explains it is man’s modesty that prevents him from going to war with his neighbor. In Locke’s society, people are rational, but do not always practice this rationality. Therefore, they must give up a little freedom, in order to gain wealth and acquire benefits. Hobbes and Locke share the idea that in the state of nature, men are equal. Despite man’s equality, both philosophers also believe man is constantly at risk of endangering himself. Where their theories contrast is in the definition of a social contract and with whom. While Hobbes maintains a negative perspective of war and violence, Locke’s view presents a more positive outlook. While Hobbes puts forth a government with totalitarian values, Locke’s government represents a liberal monarchy. Hobbes believes a social contract exists between a sovereign and his people; he obtains absolute power and cannot be overthrown. In contrast, Locke’s government is conditional and depends on the social contracts between society members. Traits of Hobbes’ natural state are still evident today in some societies. Without fair governments, corrupt populations will attempt to overthrow unjust rulers. A recent example is the 2011 Libyan revolution. Under Mummar Gaddaffi, the Libyan people felt their government was no longer acting in their best interest. As a result they overthrew their oppressive rulers and abolished the wrongful government, capturing and eventually killing Gaddaffi.
Tuesday, August 6, 2019
RCBC Savings Bank Essay Example for Free
RCBC Savings Bank Essay I. Synopsis RCBC Savings Bank is a wholly owned subsidiary of one of the countrys top universal banks, Rizal Commercial Banking Corporation (RCBC). RCBC Savings Bank was incorporated on the 15th day of January, 1996 to provide retail banking services to its target clientele and serve as the consumer and retail banking arm of RCBC. RCBC Savings Bank formally started its thrift banking operations on the 27th day of February, 1996. It grew extensively in just over a year, from a lean one-branch organization with a seven-man skeletal force to an institution with a network of six branches supported by 106 full-time personnel in 1997. In September 1998, RCBC Savings Bank acquired selected assets and assumed deposit liabilities of Capitol Development Bank. As a result of the strategic alliance, the Bank further widened the reach of its branch network and became the 2nd largest thrift bank in the country with 117 branches. One of its branches is the RCBC Savings Bank La Paz in Iloilo City. It serves many Ilonggos in banking and financing services. Despite of its fast growing business, the Management paid no attention to some internal control aspects of its branches. Like the La Paz Branch many complaints from customers regarding the efficiency and slow-moving service of the bank. The long queuing of the customers every time they do transactions to tellers is really a problem; it decreases the goodwill of the company and much more the customer satisfaction. As we all know, the competition in banking industry is high and many banks are already here in Iloilo. How would the Management address this problem? What course of actions or solutions should the Management put in place to achieve higher customer satisfaction? Is the company really into realizing its vision to be the most-sought-after by the consumer market when it comes to financial products and services?
Monday, August 5, 2019
Car Sharing Scheme To Encourage Sustainable Transportation Tourism Essay
Car Sharing Scheme To Encourage Sustainable Transportation Tourism Essay We have an increase of population size and people will have different needs to have successful healthy and happy lives. For example, a family staying with their aged parents may regard a car as a necessity to ferry his aged parents to their medical appointment. Due to growing need, without a car to provide the mobility they need, many are force to travel in a less desirable manner. Hence, we could see that the majority of mode of transportation used by most of people in Singapore is car. Car however has led to a series of problems including air pollution, congestion and growing greenhouse gas emission because a running cars engine produces large amount of carbon dioxide being emitted into the atmosphere every day. According to Katzev (2003), automobiles are also a major source of carbon dioxide, the so-called green-house gas, which many claim is the principle source of global warming. As such, we need to start as a group of community thinking about more sustainable form of transport in Singapore. One potential alternative to removing cars on the road is through car-sharing scheme. This research will focuses on the opportunities to present to Singapore through this car sharing scheme in our transportations. This is the more sustainable option in the long-run. In 2012, there were more than 520,000 private cars registered in Singapore. The motor vehicle population in Singapore which include private and company cars, rental cars, taxis, buses, motorcycles, goods and other vehicles were increased by 1.45% from 951,307 in 2011 to 965,192 in 2012 (Singapore Police Force, 2013). Such a large number of private cars reduce the efficiency of the transport system by taking up road space that is needed by public transport and commercial vehicles. The government had tried a series of measures to reduce car overpopulation and traffic congestion by heavily taxing the purchase and use of cars as well as with recently announced that COE prices increase to reach more than S$95,000. However, this had the unintended effect of pricing out people who are in need of a car as does not table the problem of overpopulation. This is because as the population grows, the numbers of cars on Singapore growth will continue to grow. The need of Singapore transportation become more sustainable In Singapore, despite there are a lot cars on the road, we need to decrease cars on the road to make the transport more sustainable, one potential ways by doing this is through car-sharing scheme. Singapore is a small island city-state country whereby we cannot afford to ignore the effects that transport that has on health and the environment. The environment is our priority and Singapore needs to keep the environment as pristine as possible. Our economy depends on an efficient transport system to delivery smoothly a flow of goods and personnel to where they are needed. Our limited supply of land also means that we have to allocate resources to transport system very carefully. Hence, its important to adopt a greener form of transport. Nevertheless, we understand that no matter how efficient Singapore public transport system are, can never fully meet every mobility need. Despite of an excellent MRT system and efficient taxi system, alternatives are required to allow for Singaporean to make different choices about going around on the island. Car-sharing scheme is such a choice for such opportunities to remove cars on the road while still allowing people to get around as they need to. Car-sharing scheme, a new approach to sustainable transportation in Singapore Car-sharing is a pay-as-you-drive transportation service introduced in many modern cities to build a sustainable urban transportation strategy and environment-friendly urban community. This amazing green business idea works because people save money, and lose the hassles of ownership, yet still able to access to a car when they need one. The car-sharing growth in Singapore is mainly boosted by the rise of COE price. Higher COE prices are driving people to look for cheaper and more flexible options and therefore would able to push people towards using public transport, or opt for car-sharing. Car-sharing allows individual to gain the benefits of using a private car without the costs of responsibility of owning a car. The benefits of car-sharing can include more careful consideration of the necessity, duration, and distance of automobile trips, resulting in decreased vehicle use and ownership, and reduced parking demand and traffic congestion. Besides, car-sharing will be greater consideration given to alternative mode, resulting in increase of MRT passengers. Car-sharing also provide cost saving to individual and employers, energy savings and air quality benefits as well as reduce the emission of carbon dioxide. Despite to its many potential benefits, car-sharing may gain in popularity in Singapore as demonstrated by increasing North American membership. Through car-sharing scheme, we are able to reduce cars on the road which led to less congestion, less pollution, less dependence on oil, and cleaner, fresher air to breath. Car-sharing Operators in Singapore There are about 300 car-sharing vehicles located in over 100 locations in Singapore. Land Transport Authority (LTA) is working closely with HDB and car-sharing operators to provide more locations across the island to make it more convenient for users to access a car-sharing service in the near future. In Singapore, currently have a few car-sharing service providers: Car Club, Whizzcar and Kah Share. Clean Mobility Singapore, an environmental start-up company that provides electric cars for hire launched in Buona Vista-Ayer Rajah area and have designated parking lots in Pixel Building, Biopolis, Fusionpolis, Insead Campus and Block 71 Ayer Rajah Crescent. Clean Mobility is part of the Energy Market Authority and Land Transport Authoritys three-year, electric-vehicle trial costing $20 million (The Straits Times, 2011). The Straits Times (2013) had reported that more than 150 people have plugged into a year-old electric car-sharing sharing scheme operated under the brand name Smove. Mea ntime, Kah Share, Whizz Car and Car Club have reported an increase of between 15 per cent and 35 per cent each in membership numbers (The Straits Times, 2011). Government Intervention Like many other cities, Singapore faces the challenge of managing traffic congestion. With a fixed quantity of road space, each additional vehicle adds to the demand of road space and increases congestions for every other vehicle and pollutes the environment. Singapore is a land of scarcity, the country does not have the luxury to allow everyone to own a car and that car ownership cannot be put under the same category as basic necessity such as housing (Channelnewsasia, 2013). As part of effort to reduce carbon emission from car, the Singapore government implemented the Vehicle Quota System (VQS) which allows the government to control the amount of cars on the road. Vehicle quota system The VQS is controlled by the Certificate of Entitlement. The purpose is to limiting the number of newly purchase vehicles and aims for sustainable growth in vehicle population. The buyer has to bid to purchase a COE which is valid for 10 years before the vehicle can be use on road. The government had decided to reduce the allowable vehicle growth rate from 3 per cent per annum which was the rate since vehicle quota system introduced in 1990, to 1.5 per cent per annum in 2009, and further reduced it to one percent per annum in 2012 and 0.5 per cent per annum in February 2013. The COE premiums for small cars (up to 1,600cc) breached the $90,000 mark, finishing the years first bidding session at $92,100 on January 2013. This is up 12.4 per cent from last months bidding where prices ended at $81,889. Prices for big cars in Cat B (above 1,600 cc) also reached a new high, ending at $96,210. The previous record-breaking price was $94,502 in August 2012 (icarsclub, 2013 ). Figure .1: COE Open Bidding Result (Source:, 2013) Taxes and fees on vehicles Every car in Singapore is taxed by an import (Customs) duty, registration fee, an additional registration fee, and road tax which make owning a car in Singapore very expensive. The import duty is 31% of the import value of the car, on top of that, a Registration Fee is charged for private cars and on top of that, an Additional Registration Fee (ARF) is charged. The (ARF) is 100% of the Open Market Value (OMV) of the vehicle. Public parking charges have been raised and also additional surcharges were levied to discourage car use. Others cost such as insurance, Electronic Road Pricing (ERP), petrol and maintenance cost which are extremely costly for an average earning individual and thus it helps to control car population. Hence, implementation of government regulations with soaring premiums for COEs, taxes and fees or charges, it had directly boosted the use of car-sharing for the people who need to travel around the island. For a successful car sharing scheme in Singapore, Singapore government has to play its part in addressing the problems of climate change and looking at ways and measures to reduce our emission. Research Question Our research will focus on the primary and secondary question in view of the solution to road congestion, pollution and other environmental and resource consequences of automobile dependence through car-sharing. 1.2.1 Primary Research Question Our research question is what are the benefits and opportunities for using car-sharing scheme to make Singapore transports system become more sustainable. 1.2.2 Secondary Research Questions The scopes that this research is focusing on: What is car-sharing scheme and how does Car-sharing works; What are the benefits of car-sharing scheme; Who benefits from car-sharing scheme; Which countries have already develop car-sharing scheme The Scope of the Research The study will focuses on the benefits of car sharing scheme in our transportation option for many people in meeting the transportation needs in an economically and environmentally responsible manner in Singapore. Research Method The research method we will be using is both qualitative and quantitative research approach. The quantitative method will be based on the research question analyses based on the current situation and analyses through literature review. The qualitative method shall be gathering information through sets of questionnaire on a focus group of employees, employers and retirees at a few point of location in Singapore. Research Objective The main objective of the research is to understand the problems of increasing car population which led to a serious problem of air pollution, congestion and growing of greenhouse gas emission and to identify the opportunities and benefits of car-sharing scheme as an alternative transportation mode towards sustainable form of transport in Singapore. Limitation This research will be discussing the benefits of car-sharing scheme using normal car and only within Singapore based on the knowledge and understanding gather from collected information sources and data. There will be limitation to forecast whether of the impact and growth car-sharing scheme by using electric car. It may impractical at this moment although electric car have the potential to reduce our carbon emission significantly if adopted on a large scale and government play its part promoting green vehicle by provide a range of incentives or rebates. However, the technology is still in the early stages of development. Beside, in order for electric car to have a positive impact on reducing emission, the energy grid empowering these cars need be from a sustainable source like solar or wind. Due to the cost of buying a hybrid vehicle is much higher than of a normal car, users, limited range of electric vehicle as well as the charging time. The information and data will be obtained f rom published news and journals except the information from questionnaires. CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW Definition and explanation of car-sharing scheme Car sharing is a revolution in personal transportation urban mobility for the 21st century. Carsharing is designed to replace car ownership for people who do not need to drive to work every day, and to significantly reduce road congestion and greenhouse gas emissions. It is a service that provides 24/7 self-serve access to a network of cars stationed around the city (and increasingly, cities world-wide), which can be reserved by the hour or day via smart phones, Internet and call centres (Carsharing, 2013). Automobile, despite its numerous benefits, is largely responsible for many of the environmental and social problems in the world today (Katzev, 2003), which Singapore is one of such countries. The dependence on automobile has contributed traffic congestion and pollution to the air of Singapore. Therefore, in order to reduce traffic congestion and reduce the environmental impact contributed by automobile in Singapore, numerous efforts have been made by the government to reduce vehicle population growth rate by increasing the Car of Entitlement (COE) prices for cars or reducing the quota for COE. Car-sharing is first introduced in Singapore by NTUC Income in 1997 since the rise of COE prices and over the years, the interest in car-sharing has risen as car-sharing is the ticket for drivers who cannot afford or do not want to own a car (The Strait Times, 2012). Differ from car-pooling, car-sharing is a process whereby people share or rent a car without having to bear the responsibilities of car ownership and costs. Whereas in car-pooling, it is a group of individuals taking the same car together to get to a common destination at the same time. In car-sharing scheme, the car-sharing companies pay all of the costs of vehicle maintenance, service, and repairs. This includes insurance coverage, parking, and the cost of fuel (Katzev, 2003). Also differ from conventional car rentals, car-sharing companies operate by placing cars near to members home or office when the needs to use the cars arise. (Martin Shaheen 2011). The pay-as-you-drive or pay-per-use transportation service which provided by the car sharing companies offer drivers another alternative and freedom of using the car. Drivers get to enjoy the benefits of a car without having to own one for a short period of time based on their travelling needs, such as hourly or daily basis. The d rivers are also allowed to choose the types of cars according to their needs. This scheme is introduced in many modern cities to build a sustainable and environment-friendly urban community (Land Transport Authority, 2013). A research done in the North America shows that one shared vehicle can take 6 to 33 privately owned vehicles off the road. This is made possible by reducing the number of private vehicle required to complete non-work trips (Green Business Times, 2013). Hence, car-sharing reduced congestion on the road as it reduces car ownership and people dependency on privately owned vehicles. Car-sharing also has environmental impact to the environment. According to the article stated in Green Business Times (2013), vehicle miles traveled by members dropped by 67%, yet they were able to maintain mobility and convenience of transportation while getting access to a wider variety of cars. The drop in vehicle miles traveled will have a huge environmental impact that results in a decrease in greenhouse gas emissions from 39% to 64%. Since its inception, car-sharing has grown rapidly and it has become more common worldwide, especially in Europe and North America (Shaheen, Sperling Wagner 1999). Car-sharing membership has increased by 360% worldwide between 2006 and 2010 (Carsharing, 2013) and as of January 2011, North American car-sharing companies served almost 604,000 members with about 10,000 vehicles. (Martin Shaheen 2011). 2.1.1 How car-sharing works in Singapore It usually takes less than 5 minutes from reserving to collecting a car-sharing vehicle and the whole process is automated and it is self-service just like having a own car. To use the car, the user can follow the steps listed below: Join as a member User who wishes to car-share must first join as a member at any of the car-sharing company. After which, members will receive a personal keyfob/ smartcard. The keyfob/ smartcard is use to unlock an electronic box where the car keys are kept. Making reservation for the car When there is a need to use the car, member can make reservation via smart phones, Internet and call centres. The reservation can be made within a few minute notice or few days in advance. The booking will be keyed into a computer and transmitted to the electronic box. Collecting the car The cars are normally parked near to users home or office in designated car park spaces. The electronic box is located in the members estate and the member can unlock the box when the member slots in their keyfob/ smart card. His booking particular will be copied onto the keyfob/ smart card and he can then collect the key. Driving the car During reservation period, member will just use the car just like his own. Returning the car When member has finished using the car, he needs to return the car back to the same location where he has collected the car. He also needs to place the key back to the electronic box. The trip usage is automatically recorded and the member can view their usage record online. Payment The invoice is then generated and payment will be made through GIRO or credit card monthly to the car-sharing service companies. If a member does not return the car on time, he will have to pay a penalty, which will be used to compensate the next member who had booked the car but was inconvenienced due to late return from the former member (Carsharing, 2013). Benefits of car-sharing Due to recent high COE, it is getting more and more difficult for one to own a car in Singapore nowadays. Some of the major social benefits of car-sharing are such as lower emissions, ease traffic congestion, convenience and cost savings for individuals and businesses, better utilization of land and energy resources and reduce the demand for car park spaces. 2.2.1 Less pollution to the environment Motor vehicle usage is a major source of air and noise pollution in the world today. It has contributed 70% of the carbon monoxide, 45% of the nitrogen oxides, and 33% of hydrocarbon emissions in the world (Katzev, 2003). The combustion process of fuel in motor engines emit Carbon Monoxide (CO) will not only pollute the air quality, it also harm the human body through respiration (Sing Health 2013). Motor vehicles are also a major source of carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas, which many claim is the principal source of global warming (Katzev, 2003). Besides carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide, other greenhouse gases such as nitrous oxide, methane and chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) are also released from the combustion process of fuel in motor engines. These gases caused global warming to the Earth which the temperature will increase and trap the radiated heat from escaping out (Nutramed, 2011). In the United State, low emission motor vehicles contribute to lower greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. AutoShare and U Car Share offer additional greenhouse gases reductions through partnerships with carbon-offset companies. Many customers report an increase in environmental awareness after joining a carsharing organization (Shaheen, North American car-sharing, 2008). Noise pollution is also an issue to the environment. With more motor vehicles on the road, the noises created from the engine revolutions can be a nuisance to the environment. Especially during traffic congestion, the noise level can be high and it may disrupt the concentration of ones mind. With fewer vehicles on the road through car sharing, the level to Carbon Monoxide (CO) will eventually be reduced, thus causing lesser carbon monoxide emitted to the environment. 2.2.2 Less traffic congestions Figure .1 : Fatal and Injury Accident Rate Per 10,000 Vehicle Population (Source: Singapore Police Force, 2013) Car-sharing helps to tame traffic because it reduces solo driving (Wang, 2011). According to the graph, Singapore has an increasing figure in vehicle population by 1.45% from 951,307 in 2011 to 965,192 in 2012 (Singapore Police Force, 2013). This is a great number for Singapore as our country is limited in land area and the increasing vehicle population creates more traffic congestions. Traffic congestion is an increasingly serious problem in many cities. For example United States, traffic tie-ups, especially during peak hours timing, are estimated to cost the United States 1.2 billion hours of lost time and 2.2 billion gallons of gasoline each year, to say nothing of the estimated $30 billion annual loss in productivity alone (Katzev, 2013). Due to the increasing numbers of motor vehicles on the road, the danger faced by the road users, especially motorcyclists are still an issue. Despite last years drop in the fatal and injury accidents, there are still a significant number of deaths on our roads. The increase in the number of traffic violations remains a concern as every traffic violation can potentially result in a fatal or injury accident and the loss of lives (Singapore Police Force, 2013). As an alternative measure of reducing the amount of vehicle population, car sharing can provide road users with a choice. Some of Singapore car sharing companies such as CarClub provides to their customers a wide variety of motor vehicles to choose from to cater for different kind of occasions (CarClub, 2013). Because the drivers of the car sharing scheme are charged accordingly to the amount of mileage logged, therefore drivers would plan their trip carefully in order to make unnecessary drive trips. The implementation of car sharing can also reduce the amount of motor vehicles on the road if 5 people sharing a car to the common destination rather than driving on personal motor vehicles. 2.2.3 Reducing the cost of traveling to destination Traveling to a destination by private vehicles can be costly. With Singapore implemented ERP (Electronic Road Pricing), It will be expensive to travel to CBD area during peak hours by personal vehicles. In addition, the cost of parking in business towers in CBD area can be costly too. The cost of owning a private car can be a burden in Singapore. As the price of Certificate of Entitlement (COE) is hiking, a measure by the Singapore Government in order to maintain or reduce the amount of motor vehicles on the road, which can be costly. According to report, a price of a Cherry QQ in Singapore with COE can match up for a Porsche Boxster Black Edition in the US (AsiaOne, 2012); this shows how the soaring COE price has turned the ownership of motor vehicle as a huge expenditure. Car sharing is different from rent a car from car rental, car sharing gives individuals access to a car for brief trips, in some cases as short as a half hour, charging only for the time and duration of each trip. In contrast, car rental companies charge the full daily rate, regardless of the duration or distance of travel. In addition, customers that rent a car must pay for the petrol cost required to fill the vehicles tank at the time it is returned, while the car-sharing companies pays all the costs of fuel, as well as insurance, vehicle maintenance, service, and repairs (Katzev, 2003). As car sharing scheme in Singapore, drivers can save amount money on the cost of owning a private motor vehicles including maintenance fees, annual road taxes and motor vehicle insurance payable. Car sharing not only offers to non-car owners the driving experience; it has also offers a much cheaper alternative to travel to their destination that in private motor vehicles. Car sharing has also provided Singapore a much cheaper alternative to travel than by taxi. Traveling by mode of taxi can be expensive. The rates and surcharges can add up to a high cost. Surcharges such as peak hour charges, midnight charges and location charges are included in different timing and location. Some of car sharing companies in Singapore such as CarClub provides to their customers with different price plans. CarClub comes with value plan and standard plan to cater to every customers needs. Value plan is cater for more for regular drivers whereas standard plan is cater more occasional drivers (CarClub, 2013). With different available price plans, drivers can choose the most appropriate plans to suit their driving frequency and save money. University students and low-income households also benefit from the flexibility and mobility that carsharing offers (Shaheen, North American car-sharing, 2008). With the recently tightening measure by the Singapore government, it has become more difficult for low and middle income group to purchase a private motor vehicle as buyers have to foot a down payment of 40 per cent or more for a new vehicle and have a maximum of five years to service their car loans (ChannelNewsAsia, 2013). Therefore, car sharing can be a more afford to the market for low and middle income groups. 2.2.4 Better connection Car sharing has provided users a better connection between different modes of transports, making it easier for the public to connect major transport nodes and therefore reducing the need to drive to their destination. Car sharing can provide better access to place where has limited access. For example, HDB residential area where the distance to the nearest public transport node is far away, it may be difficult for elderly or disabled people to travel. Motor vehicles in the car-sharing fleet are usually located close to the users residence, whereas those belonging to the rental companies are parked in central areas or major transportation hubs. Finally, those who want to rent a vehicle are required to complete time-consuming paperwork before they can drive the vehicle, whereas car sharers need only phone or go online to reserve a vehicle prior to using it (Katzev, 2003) In Singapore, CarClub has offered their customers with over 60 HDB car parks around Singapore to pick up the vehicles and available on 24/7 which provides ease and convenience (CarClub, 2013). Who benefits from car-sharing? The ultimate purpose of car-sharing are reducing the number of cars, increasing the efficiency of transport infrastructure and also changing behavior through alterations in mobility patterns. This has actually benefits to environment, social and government. 2.3.1 Environment Creation a Potential for Better Quality of Life and Urban Form Car-sharing has proved its potential to reduce the negative impacts of social and environment. Monitoring of air quality takes place at stations around Singapore, and plays an important role in keeping the population up to date on haze conditions (National Environment Agency, 2013). Air emissions from the industries and motor vehicles are the two key sources of air pollution domestically (National Environment Agency, 2013). Each car-sharing vehicle can replace 4 privately owned vehicles (CarClub, 2013). Thus, car-sharing reduces the numbers of cars on the road; fewer cars equal fewer emissions of greenhouse gases. This means less pollution; decrease congestion on the road as well as reducing the amount of space used for parking and helps to regain space for environmental and other social uses. Reduction of COà ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã¢â‚¬Å¡ Burden of Transport Car-sharing is a pay-as-you-drive transportation service introduced to build a sustainable and environmentally-friendly urban community. This service provides an incentive for people to use car less and instead use public transport, a bike or walk. People have a greater variety of transport options available to them as when deciding the best way to reach their destination. Commuting by public transportation reduces your carbon emissions by 20 lbs per day, 4,800 lbs per year, which is more than if you weatherized your home, converted to fluorescent bulbs and replaced an old refrigerator, combined (PromotingPublic Transport, 2013). Reduction of Energy Consumption An environmentally friendly car-sharing operator provides a wide range of vehicles to choose. They can choose different types of vehicles to fit their needs. Example, a small city car is usually most energy-efficient and less pollution; an estate cars are likely to be necessary for family trips; and a van may require for group travel. Users choose the vehicle type that best meets their needs for a particular trip. This benefits consumers, and may provide external benefits by reducing the use of oversized vehicles when smaller vehicles are adequate (Litman, 1999). 2.3.2 Society Car-sharing helps make communities more alive, attractive, safe, and less dependent on the private automobile, and contribute to a range of transportation, housing, economic development and social justice goals (City Car Share, 2013). Save Money and Go Green Car-sharing is an ideal for people who only need a car occasionally and or when the need arises. By car-sharing scheme, people still can access to a private car without having responsibilities of ownership such as obtain a Certificate of Entitlement (COE), car insurance premium, car maintenance and repair costs, monthly installment, season car parking charges and road tax. In Singapore, 87% of members in NTUCs car-sharing co-op average only 2,000km in distance driven each year, which is much less than average mileage of the average private car owner (Singapore Environmental Vision, 2013). Car sharing saves you money, its greener, more affordable, and less stressful than driving and paying for a car you dont even need anymore (Cereplast, 2013). Provide Mobility Car-sharing provides access to a vehicle for low-income households and others without a car, helping them to fully participate in the regions opportunities (CityCarShare, 2013). Low-income households may not be able to afford the expenses as a car ownership, thus public transport maybe their only option. Car-sharing can provide access for job interviews, serve as an emergency ride home, and meet the demand for occasional shopping and leisure trips (CityCarShare, 2013). With car-sharing scheme, they are now financially possible to join, in turn improving mobility by providing access to a vehicle. Improves Commuting Options Car-sharing offers a commuter option that may work better than other methods of transportation. With a car-sharing option, a public commuter is empowered to decide the best way to reach his or her destination, i.e. by bus, MRT, taxi or to drive a car (CSAS, 2013). Currently, there are about 300 car-sharing vehicles located in over 100 locations in Singapore (Land Transport Authority, 2013). It is very convenient for users to access a car-sharing. Also, car-sharing provides the flexibility and convenience of a car when driving is a better choice compared to the buses, MRT or taxis. 2.3.3 Government Transport issues affect the average Singaporean in a very intimate manner.
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